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happy little pill

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Вы здесь » happy little pill » Тестовый форум » газета


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<article><div class=firstslide><div class="fstxt">first last</div></div>
<img src=http://funkyimg.com/i/2ohxe.png /></article>
<article><div class=info>
<div class="ntxt">friends</div>
<div class="ctxt"><b>f</b>irst letter goes into the bold tags and the rest of your writing goes here!</div></div>
<img src=http://funkyimg.com/i/2ohxe.png /></article>
<article><div class=info><div class="ntxt">enemies</div>
<div class="ctxt"><b>f</b>irst letter goes into the bold tags and the rest of your writing goes here!</div></div>
<img src=http://funkyimg.com/i/2ohxe.png /></article>
<article><div class=info><div class="ntxt">lovers</div>
<div class="ctxt"><b>f</b>irst letter goes into the bold tags and the rest of your writing goes here!<br><br>

i'm totally open to any sort of plot really, whether it's a drunken night at a winning after party or something else! </div></div>
<img src=http://funkyimg.com/i/2ohxe.png /></article>
<article><div class=info><div class="ntxt">relationships</div>
<div class="ctxt" style="text-align:center;">
<b>first last</b> -  relationship<br>
<b>first last</b> -  relationship<br>
<b>first last</b> -  relationship<br>
<img src=http://funkyimg.com/i/2ohxe.png /></article>
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Вы здесь » happy little pill » Тестовый форум » газета

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